Bhawana Yadav asked a question

दाङ, नेपाल।

वरषीय सुशील भणडारीले आफनै गाउँमा सफलतापूरवक
सवचालित कार बनाएका छन ।दिएको जानकारी अनुसार
कारमा सुशीलले समाचार अधिकारीहरूलाई अनय कचचा
पदारथ जसता उपलबधयसको कषमता लगभग 15-20 किमी
/ घणटा छ। यो परियोजनाले उनलाई करिब रु.95,000
अवधि-चार महिना; भणडारी भनछन, ‘ किनन सकने गरी थप गरन
सकौं कम मूलयमा।”

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2 Answers
Laxman Khatri about 1 year ago
0 Claps

Quality of life refers to the overall well-being, satisfaction, and happiness that an individual or a community experiences in various aspects of their lives.

Nikas Ghimire asked a question

Program to input any number and display number of odd numbers in it;





int main() {

int i, number, num1, num2=0, num3, num4 =0, rem, rem1, rem2, rev = 0;

printf("Enter your number ==> ");

scanf("%d", &number);

num1 = number;

while(num1 != 0) {

rem = num1%10;

rem1 = rem%2;

if (rem1 != 0) {

num2 = num2*10 + rem;


num1 /= 10;


num3 = num2;

while (num2 != 0) {


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NANDANI KUMARI asked a question
II)Cr2+ is reducing agent as its configuration changes from d4 to d3, when it is oxidized to Cr3+ .The d3 configuration have a half-filled t2g level which is very stable. On the other hand, the reduction of Mn3+ to Mn2+ results in the half-filled (d5) configuration which has extra stability hence Mn3+ acts as oxidizing agent.
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Aashish Bhandari asked a question
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