Anuska Bashyal asked a question

If vectors are arranged as trigonal planar and have equal magnitude, it is an ideal case of zero resultant.

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2 Answers
subash neupane asked a question

Hello Subash!

Here is the solution for the question you are asking for, I solved it in procedural way but if you are among the one who prefer OOP style then you can still ask it for me cause I have solved it from both methods but here I am just going to leave procedural one....

//author:Manish Acharya

import java.util.Scanner;

import java.util.*;

public class idgenerator {

public static void main(String[] args) {

String small_name="", long_name="", new_small_name="", new_long_name="";

char lr='a',...

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2 Answers
UJJWAL JHA about 1 year ago
1 Clap

Materials show varying behaviors based on their Poisson's ratio. High Poisson's ratio materials (near 0.5) contract significantly sideways when stretched and expand when compressed, seen in substances like rubber. Low Poisson's ratio materials (near 0) undergo minimal width change during axial deformation, typical of metals and common engineering materials.

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