UJJWAL JHA about 1 year ago
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Materials show varying behaviors based on their Poisson's ratio. High Poisson's ratio materials (near 0.5) contract significantly sideways when stretched and expand when compressed, seen in substances like rubber. Low Poisson's ratio materials (near 0) undergo minimal width change during axial deformation, typical of metals and common engineering materials.

Aashish Bhandari asked a question
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Raunak Kumar asked a question
The Short Answer:

Sunlight reaches Earth's atmosphere and is scattered in all directions by all the gases and particles in the air. Blue light is scattered more than the other colors because it travels as shorter, smaller waves. This is why we see a blue sky most of the time.

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Bhawana Yadav asked a question

दाङ, नेपाल।

वरषीय सुशील भणडारीले आफनै गाउँमा सफलतापूरवक
सवचालित कार बनाएका छन ।दिएको जानकारी अनुसार
कारमा सुशीलले समाचार अधिकारीहरूलाई अनय कचचा
पदारथ जसता उपलबधयसको कषमता लगभग 15-20 किमी
/ घणटा छ। यो परियोजनाले उनलाई करिब रु.95,000
अवधि-चार महिना; भणडारी भनछन, ‘ किनन सकने गरी थप गरन
सकौं कम मूलयमा।”

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Bikash T. Magar asked a question

Balance on a bicycle is a matter of constantly correcting against falls, and it's easier when the speed is higher because the inertia of moving forward overcomes the need for corrective actions.

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