Rabin Kalikote almost 2 years ago
12 Claps
Bal Bahadur BK

Great my son!

Reply almost 2y
Pranish Uprety

You've been truly inspiration, dai! Congratulations to you and all of us.

Reply almost 2y
Raunak Kumar asked a question

BODMAS=Bracket, Order, Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction. In certain regions, PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition and Subtraction) is the synonym of BODMAS. It explains the order of operations to solve an expression.

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Atith Adhikari asked a question

Yes, a physical quantity can have magnitude and direction but still be a scalar if it doesn't obey the vector addition. An example is Electric Current which has magnitude and a fixed direction, but it does not follow vector laws of addition.

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Saroj Shrestha asked a question

If one could be a billionaire by following a how-to guide step by step, you'd have already come across it by now. 

Well, the how-to "BE" part is simple; own anything that's worth a billion- an idea, an asset, a skill, anything. It is the how-to reach that milestone that is mystic. Carve your own path to it. 

Once you find the secret (IF there is one), share it on Mattrab :P 

Or maybe don't ;) let others find their own path.

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Mousham khatiwada almost 1 year ago
4 Claps
Rabin Kalikote

Happy Mother's Day, sir.

Reply almost 1y
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