Mousham khatiwada asked a question

I think the best technique for memorizing is by assigning meaningfulness to things that are to be memorized.

Or in other words, relating things with a memorable story, simply, creating a story.
Do you remember yourself teaching us to memorize things easily. We had related words to a story and almost everyone in the class remembered at least 25 words among the total of 30. I still remember "Bhachyeko Haat". Haha!

Memory export Jim Kwik says that anything combined with emotion becomes a...

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Bhawana Yadav asked a question

तपाईंको जीवनमा सामाजिक अधययनले के कसता सकारातमक परभाव परेका छन , बुँदागत रुपमा  लेखनुहोस I

सामाजिक अधययनले मेरो जीवनका पारेका सकारातमक अधययन निमनाअनुसार बुँदागत  रुपमा परसतुत गरेको छु :

1. मैले संविधान वयवसथा गरेको हक, अधिकार, करतवय, दायितव आदि बारे बुझन पाएको छु I

2. मैले करतवयपरायणताको भाव बोध गरेको छु I

3. समाजका रीतिरिवाज, संसकार, परमपरा आदिको अधययनबाट फरक परिवेशमा समेत समावेशन हुन सकने    सिपको विकास गरेको छु I 

4. राषटरिय समपदाको संरकषण र देशको पृषठभूमिपरति पुरखाले...

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NANDANI KUMARI asked a question
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Raunak Kumar asked a question

BODMAS=Bracket, Order, Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction. In certain regions, PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition and Subtraction) is the synonym of BODMAS. It explains the order of operations to solve an expression.

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